5 Focus Areas Outsourcing HR Will Help in 2023

4 min readJan 11, 2023


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Post-pandemic, senior leaders are dealing with a historic amount of disruption. From economic pressure, like inflation, and a scarce, competitive talent market, to global supply constraints, senior leadership must be able to invest in their current teams and technology for both current and future workers, and work on developing or maintaining an engaging culture and employee experience. Outsourcing your HR needs may be the solution, and here we provide five areas where outsourcing your HR troubles may save you time and money.

Employee Experience

Employee engagement strategies are crucial for organizations looking to get the most from their people. When employees buy into the company’s mission and vision, value the people they work with, and enjoy their role, productivity soars. But how do you improve the employee experience to increase engagement?

You can outsource consultants or specialists to help you:

  1. Chart a personalized development plan for your employees. Lack of career-growth opportunities is one of the leading drivers of employee turnover.
  2. Improve manager-employee relationship with awareness. For a manager, understanding how employees prefer to work and communicate can be the difference between a poor manager-employee relationship and a great one. Just as employees have unique behavioral drives and needs, they also have preferred work and communication styles. Use data-driven assessments so managers and direct reports can learn and work on better interacting with one another.
  3. Plan an “outing.” Remote work is now permanent; not all teams can do in-person outings. Consider a virtual team-building exercise. Virtual gatherings are a great way to build trust among team members and assess current team dynamics.
  4. Build a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As the workforce becomes increasingly diverse, it’s essential to have an employee base that’s just as varied, but inclusion doesn’t mean just hiring and celebrating underrepresented groups. Design your organization in a way that makes everyone feel like a valued contributor. Creating a diverse and inclusive culture isn’t just an HR responsibility; it’s a shared effort involving all employees from all levers at your organization.


Regardless of massive layoffs from tech giants, more than half of organizations still expect competition for talent to continue for the next six months. The recruiters must consistently prioritize, matching recruiting strategies with business needs and strategies.

If your organization needs a robust system for recruiting, consider outsourcing a team of experienced HR recruiters. Not only can they help your organization find the best match, but they can also help in the following:

  1. Developing your current employees.
  2. Updating your onboarding process and systems.
  3. Using data-driven assessments and analytics to hire top talent.

Leadership Development

The expectation for what leaders are responsible for has changed sharply since the beginning of COVID-19. As a result, soft skills are in high demand — requiring leaders to be more authentic, empathetic, and adaptive, essentially “human.”

Partnering with an HR expert in Talent Management, you can help your leaders recognize their humanity and address emotional barriers that may keep them from connecting to their teams. Here are three ways an HR expert can help develop your leadership:

  1. Coach your leaders and work on overall leadership skills. Leadership skills, as with any skill, can weaken over time; it’s crucial that leaders periodically work on and have the capacity to adapt to changing working practices and expectations.
  2. Enhance empathy. Showing workplace empathy helps with understanding the root causes behind changes in employee performance, building trust, and helping employees feel safe in their roles. Developing your empathetic skills puts you in the best position to listen, understand and try to solve employee concerns, which will be essential to improving and maintaining employee experience overall.
  3. Develop your social skills. Heighten your self-awareness. Leaders need to be able to connect with everyone on their team. Having a wide array of social skills will allow you to communicate with people productively and effectively, looking beyond your logic or opinions of the lockdown and trying to connect with your team on a new level. An HR expert can help your leaders work on their social skills. After all, social skills are at the core of successful relationships, so focusing on advancing these skills will improve the way you communicate and interact with the people on your team.

Change Management

Due to uncertainty brought up by the pandemic and now political and economic changes, change management should be a focus for senior HR Leaders. While the Gartner Workforce Change Survey in 2016 showed that 74% of employees were willing to adjust work behaviors to support organizational changes, that number fell to 38% in 2022. Constant change can be detrimental to employee morale and engagement.

HR experts can show the importance of leaders helping employees to navigate change and mitigate the impact that change may have on their work and, more importantly, their well-being. Finally, it improves the employee-manager dynamic but builds for management success.

How We Work As We Know It

Although the future of work is often connected with hybrid or remote work, it’s essential to anticipate future talent needs and constantly align your organization’s talent strategy with your business strategy. While workforce planning is typically disconnected from reality and equally ineffective in the current disruptive climate, it doesn’t have to be.

Work on developing leadership skills, attaining the best talent, work on a culture that improves the employee-employer dynamic that will not only improve overall employee experience but improve retention and increase business results. Consider hiring neutral HR experts to take care of these HR focus areas for 2023.

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